Burning Man

Burning Man Calendar

To illustrate and celebrate the expansion of the Burning Man Culture around the globe, in addition to the usual collection of glorious photos from Black Rock City, the 2009-2010 Calendar featured hero images which came from official regional events, Burners Without Borders projects, and Black Rock Arts Foundation (BRAF) grant recipients.

Images and artifacts came from diverse events such as the Participarade in San Francisco on "No Spectator's Day" (a holiday officially declared by former SF Mayor Willie Brown), BRAF fundraising events, the dedication of a solar array gifted to the school in Gerlach, Nevada by Black Rock Solar, a Burners Without Borders project in Pisco, Peru, and many more examples of Burning Man culture, affiliate groups and civic projects in action.

A photo from AfrikaBurns featured in the 2009-2010 Burning Man Calendar

As a new design element, a photo was included behind the usable calendar grid which also extended to the top of the main layout as the header of each spread. This year the images and square artifacts were presented in frames, making each page seem as though a collection had been curated and hung on a wall for display.

Deep and heartfelt gratitude to all the photographers, artists, camps, mutant vehicle owners, regional contacts, performers, artifact creators and other contributors to the project, each of whom gave permission for their work to be included and was thoroughly credited in the project and sent copies of the final product.

All but the first edition of the Burning Man Calendars were produced in partnership with designer Arin Fishkin. You can learn more about the nuances and full history of this project in this post on the Burning Man journal.